They say marriages are made in heaven and we at Shubbh Vivaah Matrimony, are trying to bring together the one who is made for you. We welcome you all to celebrate with us the Success Stories of the innumerable married couples who have found their dream partner through Shubbhvivaah Matrimony. We wish them the very best for a happy and successful married life.

Arpit Tandon & Radhika Mehrotra

We are pleased to announce the alliance of Radhika Mehrotra D/O of Lt Mr. Pankaj Mehrotra and Mrs. Lata Mehrotra of kannauj with Arpit Arpit Tandon S/O Mr. Ajay Tandon and Mrs. Kavita Tandon of Indore. Congratulations both of you.

Apar Khanna & Komal Malhotra is pleased to announce the alliance of Dear Apar Khanna S/O Smt. Rekha Khanna and Lt Shri Sharad Khanna of Bullandshar with Dear Komal Malhotra D/O Ms. pooja malhotra and mr. Malhotra of Agra, the wedding to take place on 15.02.2023. Congratulations to ...Read More

Abhishek Mehrotra & Yashika Khanna

By the grace of God and Shubhvivaah Group, My brother Abhishek Mehrotra’s and Yashika Khanna’s (D/O Mr. Subodh Khanna ji) marriage has been fixed. As I leave this group, I Thank Mr. Raj Khanna for his dedicated work.